সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Common menstrual related physical problem

It is very common in women to face menstrual related physical problem. There have a group of adverse symptoms concerned with menstrual disorder. Women usually wants to remove, at least reducing their menstrual related physical problem in order to ensuring a happy life. The lists of menstrual cycle related physical problem is given bellow, Dysmenorrhea: Dysmenorrhea is a physical problem concerned with menstrual cycle that also defined as severe cramps. The cramping is usually observed in muscle cramping. Muscle cramping is muscle contracting. Muscle cramping may causes another physical complication so called nausea and diarrhoea. During excessive level of muscle cramping causes excessive level of prostaglandin production. Excessive level of prostaglandin in body causes such types of complication. Prostaglandin in body is a specific types of hormone. A one types of prostaglandin is found to contract the muscle of uterine and intestine. PMS and PMDD PMS is stand for premenstrual syndrome. It includes the physical complication associated with menstrual cycle and occurs before menstruation start. The physical changes in body that results in illness is premenstrual syndrome. PMDD is stand for premenstrual dyspeptic disorder. It is a mental disorder associated with menstrual cycle. It is also termed as menstrual depression. AUB: Abnormal uterine bleeding is a term concerned with menstruation caused by bleeding in high rate than normal rate.

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Hawking radiation

Stephen Hawking says about Black hole that it is not quite black. Rather, it radiates energy from its event horizon. This radiate energy is named as Hawking radiation according to the name of physcist Stephen Hawking. Event horizon is the boundary of black hole from where the minimum effect of black hole exists. Recent discovery of science is Black hole information paradox. According to black hole information paradox, everything engulfed by black hole is displaced and transform into information and these information convert into energy and finally radiates through event horizon of black hole.

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