During menstrual cycle girl may feel a painful situation. Pain is very common in most case. There have a certain cause of feeling pain during menstrual cycle. But, everybody feels to remove such types of painful situation during their menstrual cycle. In each month, women may face a painful situation for a few days before starting of period. This painful condition concerned with menstrual is termed as dysmenorrhoea. There have two types of dysmenorrhoea. Primary dysmenorrhoea Secondary dysmenorrhoea Primary dysmenorrhoea is concerned with pain in lower abdomen before 1 to 2 days before period due to cramping. This types of dysmennorrhoea is also termed as cramping dysmenorrhoea. Secondary dysmenorrhoea is a pain before period when pain or dysmenorrhoea causes a medical condition called endometrosis.
During menstrual cycle girl may feel a painful situation. Pain is very common in most case. There have a certain cause of feeling pain during menstrual cycle. But, everybody feels to remove such types of painful situation during their menstrual cycle. In each month, women may face a painful situation for a few days before starting of period. This painful condition concerned with menstrual is termed as dysmenorrhoea. There have two types of dysmenorrhoea. Primary dysmenorrhoea Secondary dysmenorrhoea Primary dysmenorrhoea is concerned with pain in lower abdomen before 1 to 2 days before period due to cramping. This types of dysmennorrhoea is also termed as cramping dysmenorrhoea. Secondary dysmenorrhoea is a pain before period when pain or dysmenorrhoea causes a medical condition called endometrosis.