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Story of Valentine day

Valentine day

14th February, worldwide a day is celebrated called Valentine day. Valentine day is also considered as the day of love. Specially, teenager all over the world warmly enjoy in this day because they want celebrate love and express their love.

Worldwide a grand arrangement is noticeable to celebrate Valentine day. There have a historical background in terms of Valentine day. Historical background says that Valentine day is not only concerned with the love and romance between male and female. But, it is more than that.

Historical background of Valentine day

The word Valentine comes from the name Valentinus. Valentinus were a brave man, relegious and inspired by the message of god and inspired to teach ignore people to teach the message of god. For the reason of his knowledge about true things and attractive personality people started to become fan of him. It was the time during the Roman emperor Claudius 2. The activity of Valentine is somehow opposed to the rule of emperor Claudius. State law accused him. Valentine is prissoned. Blame against Valentine turned into a death penalty. 

During his life on jail, a jailer become fan of him for his brave, knowledge and morality. Jailer requested him to teach sometime his blind daughter the real true of world. Valentinus started to teach the real true of the world. Jailers blind daughter started to learn about the world and about the god form valentine. Blind girl started to see the world through the eye of valentine. Before falling into death he wrote a letter to jailers daughter where the last word is written by Valentine,

From your Valentine

Another story concerned with Valentine day is come from another different people named Valentine during the emperor Claudius 2. Claudius 2 were totally against the conception of marriage. He usually, believed that an unmarried young people may be a good soldier. For that reason getting marriage is totally prohibited in Rome during the period of emperor Claudius 2. But, a brave person named Valentine, started to young people to get married. He inspired a lot of people to get married and to start a peaceful life. He prissoned for that activity and got death penalty in 14th February.

From two historical background it is found that Valentine day is celebrated for the historical activity of two people in same name Valentine both two peoples are punished in same date 14th February in two different year. 

Another similarity of both two people is found to perform the two relegious things that was totally prohibited during emperor Claudius 2.

Present Valentine day culture and the historical thought of Valentine day

 The historical thought of Valentine day is in some case different from present culture of Valentine day. Historically, it is a day of love and a day of beautiful world for which two people sacrifice their life. But, now a days usual culture of celebrating of Valentine day is offering gift, exchanging flower between girls and boys, festivals etc.

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