সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Is Alien a Biological life


Alien is thought as the extraterristrial life anywhere in our universe outside from our earth or even, it may exist in other universe. Cosmologists and Astrobiologists continuously doing research in terms of existence of Alien. 

In different science fiction movie we may familier with different shape and different color of alien. There have a lot of debate that is alien exist or not.

What should be happen if we meet with our extraterristrial friend alien. If this consequence happen in our real life. A dramatic change will happen in our universe. Technology should be change dramatically. Any exchange of technology between human and alien can give us a new form of science.

Human and alien

The comparisn between alien and human may be difficult. Obviously, it will be more difficult if we try to compare alien intelligence with human intelligence. It is thought that alien have an experience of foot step in our earth. If it really true than a one thing we are clear about that they have been made a journey in our earth, but we have no evidence that we have been made a journey in aliens land. In that case we may take a decision that it have a chance of being alien as super intelligence than us.

If alien be more intelligence than us thaen it have a chance of occupying our land by alien if and only if aliens technology be more strong than us.

Alien life format 

Alien may not be as same as us.In The life format in our

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Hawking radiation

Stephen Hawking says about Black hole that it is not quite black. Rather, it radiates energy from its event horizon. This radiate energy is named as Hawking radiation according to the name of physcist Stephen Hawking. Event horizon is the boundary of black hole from where the minimum effect of black hole exists. Recent discovery of science is Black hole information paradox. According to black hole information paradox, everything engulfed by black hole is displaced and transform into information and these information convert into energy and finally radiates through event horizon of black hole.

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