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Design Sleve design

Strategy of Marketing by Brian Tracy

Strategy of Marketing by Brian Tracy

Bill Gates and Waren Bufet as leadership and Enterprenure

Bill gates and Waren Buffet as leadership and  enterprenurship

Why America is so rich

Historian Burt Folson in Hilsdale college explain America is so rich nation.

Cultural difference in Business

Cultural difference in business Business all over the world is culturally different.

How social media can make you popular

The magic of social media to make people famous Due to the glad of social media everyone can be famous with their intelligence

How To write novel

How to write novel Writting novel is not an easy task. But some techniques can make it easy.

Photography competition in London

London Photography competition Telegraph London Big Photo competition

Literature in English

English literature history History of English Literature

Mr Bean Funny video: English Humor in Norway

Mr Bean funny video English Humor in Norway

Avenger movie official trailer

Avenger movie official trailer

Best comic video in Hindi movie

Best comic video in Hindi movie

Lovoure Museum

Lovoure museum One of the best museum in world located in Paris, France

Working Capital

Working capital Working Capital is the companies assets that is differnce form the current assets and current liabilities. Current assets is any other properties of companies that will be turned into cash and current liabilities is account payable. Oorking capital is important for companies operational rfficiencies. Jt also focuss the short yerm financial health of company. The working capital ratio means the ratio of current assets and current liabilities. That is also called current ratio that indicates the short term assets of companies availability to cover the short term debt of the compang. Standard current ratio is 1.2 to 2.0. If the current ratio is less than one it will be negative working capital with potential liquidity problem. If current ratio is greater than two, it indicates that company is not using its asset that is available to use to gain more revenue. Current asset of company do not exceed the current liabilities it means company is under the threat of ba...

Current assets

Current asset is the cash and any other company properties thar will be turned into cash within one accounting year. If companies operating cycle is more length than a one year, the current assets will be the turned cash during its operating cycle. Current asset of a company is listed first in company balance sheet and it is presented in order of liquidity. In balance sheet current asset should not be overstated. Account receiveables, inventories and temporary investment whatever must have to a valuation account if the the amount reported never be greater than the account receivable when cash will be yurned into cash.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Breast cancer is one of the most common cause of women death. Per day in the entire world a significant number of women dies due to Breast cancer. Women breast is made up of gland named lobules and duct to carry milk. Lymph, connective tissue, blood vessel is also very important parts of breast.  The most common types of breast cancer is ductal carcinoma. This kinds of carcinoma is begin in the cell of duct. Breast cancer that have spread from where it begin duct or lobules to surrounding tissues is called invasive breast cancer.

Stanford University

Stanford University Stanford University is one of famous university located in United States of America. Basically, Stanford University is famous for research.


Metastasis Metastasis is a process of spreading of pathogens from a primary site to another site. In oncology study, we find a term so called metastasis cancer.  There have some common factor to occur metastasis. Through blood stream the cancer cell can leave the original tumor site and can migrate to another site or body parts.  Breast cancer is a very common type of cancer that can spread into other body parts by a metastasis process. Metastases in plural form metastasis develops when the main cancer cell break away from the original tumor and enter into blood stream or lymphatic system

Hair style with specific types of food consumption

Food that grow your hair long Specific types of natural food that have a significant impact on your hair style. Instead of using any types of chemical formula, it is better to consuming specific types of food for hair styling. A certain types of herves not only helpfull for your hair growing but also these herves are very beneficial to another physiological process. You may have know about  Skin beauty and vitamin E Relationship. How efficiently vitamin e increases your skin beauty. Not vitamin E impacts on your skin. But it impacts on your hair else. Certain types of natural food can make your skin and hair beautiful.  

Mayanmar Rohingya crisis

Myanmar Rohingya crisis Myanmar Rohingya crisis is now a day very critical situation to handle with. The humanitarian organisation should be very seriour in that fact to handle with.  Women and child issues It is very seriously to manage the women and child issues. It is very alarming to think there have no shade and shelter of women and child. The unprotected and unsecured life style is not appropriate for them. Rohingya refuges is till now migrating Rohingyas are till now migrating in From Myanmer to another country.