সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Current assets

Current asset is the cash and any other company properties thar will be turned into cash within one accounting year. If companies operating cycle is more length than a one year, the current assets will be the turned cash during its operating cycle.

Current asset of a company is listed first in company balance sheet and it is presented in order of liquidity.

In balance sheet current asset should not be overstated. Account receiveables, inventories and temporary investment whatever must have to a valuation account if the the amount reported never be greater than the account receivable when cash will be yurned into cash.

এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

How To write novel

How to write novel Writting novel is not an easy task. But some techniques can make it easy.

Hawking radiation

Stephen Hawking says about Black hole that it is not quite black. Rather, it radiates energy from its event horizon. This radiate energy is named as Hawking radiation according to the name of physcist Stephen Hawking. Event horizon is the boundary of black hole from where the minimum effect of black hole exists. Recent discovery of science is Black hole information paradox. According to black hole information paradox, everything engulfed by black hole is displaced and transform into information and these information convert into energy and finally radiates through event horizon of black hole.

Donald Trump in White House

Donald Trump in White House