সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান

Food for getting young and stoping aging effect

Certain types of food can help you maintaing your youth long time. You
may not want to be elder. In that case you may start habitually
consume such types of food regularly.

Antioxidant have a certain role in our body to protect cell damage in
our body. The more cell in your skin is damaged, the more you will
look like aged. It is very difficult to completely stopping aging
effect. But it is possible to maintain youth for long time.

If you provide sufficient level of antioxidant regularly in your body,
you can stop aging effect.

Certain types of antioxidant is vitamin C, Vitamin E and beta carotine.

Specially, vegetable and fruits are the main source of antioxidant.

এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

How To write novel

How to write novel Writting novel is not an easy task. But some techniques can make it easy.

Hawking radiation

Stephen Hawking says about Black hole that it is not quite black. Rather, it radiates energy from its event horizon. This radiate energy is named as Hawking radiation according to the name of physcist Stephen Hawking. Event horizon is the boundary of black hole from where the minimum effect of black hole exists. Recent discovery of science is Black hole information paradox. According to black hole information paradox, everything engulfed by black hole is displaced and transform into information and these information convert into energy and finally radiates through event horizon of black hole.

Donald Trump in White House

Donald Trump in White House